Thursday 14 October 2010

Gassed Reflections

Please post your full reflections on the painting you saw at the Imperial War Museum here.

Looking forward to reading them.

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Reflection on the painting

When i first looked at the painting I realised you could see the people in the background much clearer, and I noticed the people playing football, I think they were playing football to take thier mind off of the reality of things around them.
The picture overall reminded me of an image of hell with all the bodies lying around and you are unable to tell whether they are dead or asleep, it showed un-human conditions.
Lastly I think the artist painted the soldeirs in blind folds as a metophor that the end of the war wasnt in sight.

devonnnn :)

Anonymous said...

My first response to the painting was that they were so used to the gruesome circumstances of war that playing football made them oblivious to the fact that multiple soldiers aroung them have just been gassed or it might also mean they're used to seeing soldiers suffer from the effects of gas, football was a way to briefly take their mind of war.
the gassed soldiers on the ground also relates to a line insensibilty;'on the alleys cobbled with their brothers' and also creates an imagery of hell also in insensibility.

Anonymous said...

Gassed Reflection:

Looking at the painting, i saw men walking in lines,holding unto each other because they can't see.i knew this because of the white cloth around their eyes. in the background showed some men playing football (irony- war still going on while others having fun.)this represent the people at home doing nothing.

some soldiers lying on the ground.some were dead whilst other were just there injured or blind because of the gas(mustard.)

the next thing i noticed about the painting is the was sunny.there were also tent ropes in the painting.i reckon the men were not that far away from being rescued.

Esther x

Anonymous said...

Looking at the painting, i realised there were men who were blind because of the mustard gas, this could be a metaphor for the people being to the reality of the war because of the media(newspapers,songs,poems...) being the mustard gas.... It also gives me an image of how people didnt know when the war was going to end. Also the men lying on the floor in pain also gives me an image of hell n the lost souls trying to get people to join them, and with the men all walking blindly through the injured men it tells me that the were walking to their death

What i find interesting about the paintins is that while there are men suffereing in the background there's a football game going on this also shows the character of the people back home that they weren't doing anything to help ease the suffering of the soldiers at war


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the painting "gassed" represents suffering and injury. The blind symbolise "no end" to this horrific war, neverending pain. The people in the background playing football do this, not because they do not care for the injured but because they want to take thier mind off of the reality of war for a little while. The un-injured would guide the injured ones. I think overall the picture is trying to indicate a deeper meaning to war- trhe realism of it and how if affected so many people.

Luke :)

Anonymous said...

Daniel's Reflection:

The thoughts I received from the painting was plenty of soldiers suffering due to the gas, many of them where either dead or sleeping. I saw soldiers walking on the plank covering their eyes and mouth to avoid getting poisoned by the gas, all the soldiers walking on the plank where holding on to each other for support because they couldn’t see. The blind soldiers can be represented as a metaphor meaning that the war has no end. In addition the people in background playing football are trying to escape the reality of war.

Anonymous said...

Reflection on the poem gassed;

The poem gassed shows just an inkling of pain in which the solders had to endure, firstly by looking at the painting you notice the men are all blindfolded in which you can understand the deeper meaning of the end of the war not in sight for the men, the men being guided by nurses and doctors to a place to lay some men asleep or just to rest. Also you notice some solders playing some casual football as the moon goes down on what seems to be a peaceful day but the reality is far from that but hell on earth. This is what I interpreted about the poem gassed.
