Monday 25 October 2010

Half term work for Mr Leamon

1: For those of you who have not done so, complete all missing work. This could be:

i.) Read the 3 history passages and annotate into 10 points for each.

ii)The shorter questions on 'Digging':
a.) How does the poem explore ideas of heritage and family tradition?
b.) What does the poem suggest about physical labour?
c.) Explain the image in the last line of the poem.

iii.)The slightly longer question on Mid Term Break
"How does 'Mid Term break' chart Heaney's movement from unquestioning child to reflective adult?"

2. Re-read all the work we looked at in the last lesson on creating an essay and complete a DRAFT copy of your plan in pencil (for me to look at.)

3. Complete a DRAFT copy of your introduction.

You may also find it useful to re-read all the poems and consolidate your notes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sir i checked on monday up to thursday and this comment had not been posted on the web site. i dont know why it says that it was poasted on the 25th when it wasnt.. i even left a message on the blog.