Thursday 14 October 2010

Research Task

Please give the title of your area of research and post your information here. Please leave both names if you worked in pairs.

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

The Western Front:

1) Vest pocket kodak folding camera's were used by private photoagraphers on the Western Front to photograph what was happening.

2) Signal grenads and rockets were used on the Western Front to convey pre-arranged signals to artiliery, but the Germans eventually copied to British rockets exactly, and this cause confusion.

3) Despite warnings not to do soo, many front line soldiers carried diarys of what happened.

4) By 1914 war on the Western Front had reached stalemate (no one could win)

Devon :) x

Anonymous said...

The Origins and Outbreak of the War:

1)Fran Ferdinard's assassination at Sarajevo.This cause the first world war. Germany expansionist plans naval rivalries and the growth of opposoing alliance system.

2)British powers was increasing.Germnay wanted to become more powerful

3)Europe before 1919 was beset by political and economic rivalries.Emergence of a unified Germany causing fiction with Franc and Russian.

Esther :)

Anonymous said...

The Trenches:
1) the signs on the trenches where named after famous landmarks and streets from their home towns
2) their were both English and the German side of the trenches
3) During the night their was raids in which the other side would run on enemy trenches and kill the soldiers brutally, with knives, knuckle dusters and any other small hand weapons.


Anonymous said...

war in the air.

doodle bugs (v1) were first created form of air attack, launched v2 missiles.

all about balitstics.

accurate/detail positioning was developed in 1915.

streamline albatross gave germans the upper hand until the british inventeed the su5 and the bristol fighter.

between 1914-1918 aircraft addeded a new dimension to warfare, becoming vital to the success of armies on the fighting fronts as well as attacking civilians at home.

Anonymous said...

above comment was by luke :)

Anonymous said...

The Home Front:

1) Refers to life in Britain during the war

2) Massive change in role of women because they had to start doing the jobs most of the men left behind before going to war

3) Rations

4) Men/Boys who didn't want to join the war were seen as cowards-being handed with white feathers and refused servieces by shops etc...

4) The war caused inflation and many poor families couldn't afford the increase in food prices

daniel :) said...

The War At Sea

1.) war at sean enabled the allies to bring in the vital resources and man power required to prevail on the western front and elsewhere.

2.)The Germans inflicted serious damage on the British fleet, especially at the Battle of Jutland during 1916, the largest conflict of big-gun battleships of all time.

3.)The Germans were never near gaining command of the sea. Their U-boats, by their successful attacks on merchant ships, did come close to denying command of the sea to the Allies, especially in 1917, but, by bringing the United States into the war, this campaign only sealed Germany's fate.

Anonymous said...

As you know i didnt have much information or time som i only managed to make one point.

Poets and Painters:
Edmund Blunden,RObert Graves, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg and Siegfried Sassoon were the major poets during the WW1 period.


Anonymous said...

Sarjevo was the event that sparked Europe ablaze, with the prince being murdered. On the battle front streets and places were giving dark humorous names as a form of relief and direction. Air fighting revolutionised the battle front allowing air photography and a new stratigic approach to the battle field. Turkey had joined, austria and geRmany.

Anonymous said...

is there lesson tomorrow (thursday 21st ) someone said there wasn't?