Tuesday 15 November 2011

Research task:

What is the difference between the Duple and Triple time?

Answer no more than 50 words.

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

This is the definition I've got whether or not it's correct we'll see (and it's defintely not 50 words!)

Duple- Contains two syllables (iamb and trochees)

Triple- Contains three syllables (anapest and dactylls)


Anonymous said...

Duple time is when in music or poetry there are two(beats per bar)syllables. Whereas triple time would be when there are three(beats) syllables.


Anonymous said...

*It's the stress on the syllables, duple time would have 2 stresses on the syllables and triple time would have 3*


Anonymous said...

Duple time is a Musical time with two beats in each bar which contains two syllables

Triple time is a Musical time with three beats to the bar which contains three syllables


Anonymous said...

The difference depends on the stress of each word.
Duple time consists of two syllables and triple time constists of three syallables.

- Shannon Squibb.

Anonymous said...

Triple time contains three syllables
-anapest and dactylls.
Duple time contains two syllables
-iambic and trochees.

-Alex hales

Anonymous said...

triple time has three syllables wheras duple only has two syllables each ...


Anonymous said...

Duple time consists of two syllables in a word where as triple time contains three

-George bird

Anonymous said...

Duple has two syllables whereas triple has three syllables. Not really 50 words.


Anonymous said...

Duple - Contains 2 beats which is usually indicated by 2 and multiples (simple) or 6 and multiples and is used in Music or Poetry

Triple Meter- Characterized by 3 beats and generally used in syllables

Reynu Miah

Anonymous said...

Duple time is a musical and poetic rhythmic feature that consists of two syllables (Poetry) and two beats in a bar (Music)e.g. Poetry - Iamb and trochee Music - Blues and rock.

Triple time is another musical and poetic term that refers to three syllables in poetry and three beats to a bar within music e.g. Poetry - Anapest and Dactylls Music - Jazz and Waltz.

Ryan Kent

Anonymous said...

The noun DUPLE TIME has 1 sense:
1. musical time with two beats in each bar
The noun TRIPLE TIME has 1 sense:
1. musical time with three beats in each bar
Pretty much, duple is 2 syllables (double), Triple is 3 syllables (Triple).


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

The difference between Duple and Triple Time is that duple time indicates two beats per bar/word, whereas triple time indicates three beats to each bar/word in music/poetry


Anonymous said...

Duple time- is a musical metre characterised by a primary division of 2 beats to the bar.

Triple time- is a musical metre characterised by a primary division of 3 beats to the bar.

Tayla Alexander.

Anonymous said...

Within a Duple time we notice the three stressed (beats)syllables. (Anapest and Datylls)

Duple time however contains two stressed syllables
(iambic and trochees)


Anonymous said...

Clearly dont read my first one i wasnt thinking straight.

Within a Triple time we notice the three stressed (beats)syllables. (Anapest and Datylls)

Duple time however contains two stressed syllables
(iambic and trochees)


Anonymous said...

Duple Time is where there is two beats or syllables to a word ( an iamb or trochee)

Triple Time is where there is three beats or syllables to a word ( an anapest or dactylls)

-Daniel Friell

Anonymous said...

duple time is a music bar has two beats or syllables and a triple consists of three syllables

Connor :)

Anonymous said...

duple time: 2 beats/syllables per line/bar
triple time: 3 beats/syllables per line/bar


Anonymous said...

Duple - two beats/ stresses/ parts/ syllables.

Triple- three beats/ stresses/ parts/ syllables.
