Sunday 8 January 2012

What is in a name?

Due Monday 16th January

In pre-1900 novels particularly names may have indicate whether a character was to be admired or regarded as silly or wicked.

This indicative (from the the verb indicate) or moral naming still continues in a more subtle fashion in modern and postmodern works, e.g. a female character may be given an exotic and therefore seductive name, or one from the bible, with connotations (or not) of chastity.

Using Pupil Sheet 2.1, consider the names of the characters in Oranges; what do they suggest? Do they have diminutives or nicknames used by other characters, and how does this add to the characterisation?

You should look the works up in a dictionary or encyclopedia and think about the names before compelting the last column regarding what it adds to characterisation.

Mr. D & Ms Foulds.

1 comment:

SNAKE MAIL said...

..hey, great article, i was thinking the same thing.
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