Thursday 25 November 2010

Strange Meeting...

Please finish your 8 box story board by next lesson.

Also, choose two of the quotes from the story board and complete a poetry circle on each.

By next Monday 29/11/10

Tuesday 23 November 2010


These are the deadlines for your Heaney Essay work:

This Thursday (25/11) - Up to Paragraph 3 COMPLETED and TYPED.
Next Tuesday (30/11) - Up to Paragraph 4 COMPLETED and TYPED.
Next Thursday (02/12) – First Draft of ENTIRE ESSAY COMPLETED and TYPED.

These timings will allow us to look at your work properly and give appropriate feedback and assistance; thus providing enough time for YOU to be able to improve it before the final hand in.


If you have missed any deadlines in the course so far you'll need to meet with Mr. D to explain your actions and explore the consequences.

See you Thursday! J Mr Leamon J

Monday 15 November 2010

Creative Response

When we have finished the lesson on the Last Laugh please complete the folowingtask:

As the company commander, write a report to your superiors outlining the deaths of the three soldiers in Owen’s poem. Think carefully about the tone you write this in as it is a report.

See me with any problems.

Mr. D

Sunday 14 November 2010

MR LEAMON'S HOMEWORK - For Tuesday 16th

3. WRITE DRAFT OF FIRST DEVELOPMENT PARAGRAPH. (You should be beginning to work critical quotes in to your essays now)

On Tuesday it will be the 16th November. That means we have 1 month until the Christmas holidays. That means 8 lessons until your Heaney essay must be finished, looked at by me, returned, improved, completed and rewritten. You must also learn about referencing and bibliography in that time. Just thought I'd let you know...."

Mr. L

Thursday 4 November 2010

Arms and the Boy post!

Post your paragraphs here! By Monday...


Mr. D

Monday 1 November 2010

Homework for tomorrow

Dearest Soma,

Find the definition of 'Apologia'


Complete the other poetry circle.

Mr. D

Monday 25 October 2010

Half term work for Mr Leamon

1: For those of you who have not done so, complete all missing work. This could be:

i.) Read the 3 history passages and annotate into 10 points for each.

ii)The shorter questions on 'Digging':
a.) How does the poem explore ideas of heritage and family tradition?
b.) What does the poem suggest about physical labour?
c.) Explain the image in the last line of the poem.

iii.)The slightly longer question on Mid Term Break
"How does 'Mid Term break' chart Heaney's movement from unquestioning child to reflective adult?"

2. Re-read all the work we looked at in the last lesson on creating an essay and complete a DRAFT copy of your plan in pencil (for me to look at.)

3. Complete a DRAFT copy of your introduction.

You may also find it useful to re-read all the poems and consolidate your notes.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Research Task

Please give the title of your area of research and post your information here. Please leave both names if you worked in pairs.

Mr. D

Gassed Reflections

Please post your full reflections on the painting you saw at the Imperial War Museum here.

Looking forward to reading them.

Mr. D

Monday 11 October 2010

Anthem for Doomed Youth

Re-explore the above poem and highlight/analyse how it works as a sonnet. You'll be asked next lesson and your annotations checked.

Mr. D

Thursday 7 October 2010

Homework for Mr Leamon

Due Tuesday 12th October.

‘How does the poem ‘Mid Term Break’ chart Heaney’s movement from unquestioning child to reflective adult?’

1 page A4 appx.

Consider Structure, Style, Versification, Language Used.”

Thanks Mr. L

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Acknowledgement of reading

Can you please leave a comment (yes, i have read both homework tasks) after this message so we know you have read the tasks on the blog.

Mr. D & L

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Homework for Mr. Leamon's stuff...

1. Read the 3 Irish History Sheets (General Irish History / Irish Independence / Great Famine) and pick out and write in your books 10 main facts FROM EACH. (You will have 30 facts in all)

2. Answer these questions about the Seamus Heaney Poem ‘Digging.’ I am expecting about 2 sides of A4 IN TOTAL.

- How does the poem explore ideas of heritage and family tradition?

- What does the poem suggest about physical labour?

- Explain the image in the last line of the poem.

(Remember to make specific reference to Imagery, metaphor, structure, prosody, language techniques etc.)


Homework for Thursday

Can you please ensure that you have completed the annotations for Dulce Et Decorum Est for Thursday's lesson with me. This means you'll need to have the diction, versification and style column complete ( no less than the examples we found in class!)

Any homework not complete will draw a consequence!

Mr. D

p.s. some of you need to ensure you've completes the scasion marks as well.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Smaller Research task...

What is the difference between Duple and Triple time in poetic metre?

Please post you answers in the comment section!

Mr. D

Monday 20 September 2010

Your first reference task....

Your first independent research task requires you to find information surrounding WW1. As a guide, you could find information on:
-life in the trenches
-countries involved
-numbers of dead
-impact on wider societies
Although the internet is great source of information, merely cutting and pasting information isn't really research - it shows you can find information and move it some where else. So, for this task you will need to make dot point notes (minimum 2 pages or as an extension up to 3 pages) and you'll need to find it from three different sources - not just the internet (internet, books, films, encyclopedia.
You also need to reference the material - which means, you'll need to tell me where you found it (internet address or book title and author). I know there are books in the library as i've checked and you'll also find extensive material in the encyclopedias.
This task should be started immediately and is due next Monday 27th Spetember. Don't wait till the last minute to complete this work or ask for help if it's needed (i'll check on Thursday as to your progress)! And remember, if you find a great resource - leave a comment for others to read as to where they can find it.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Preparation for Monday's Lesson

Hi guys: Please leave a comment about one thing you have learnt about WW1 or WW1 poetry so far so i know you've read the message below.

Okay, by Monday you should have completed these tasks:

Glued in all poems
  • Written in all titles on every page
  • Glued in the PowerPoint Presenation into your note book (review anything we covered and research anything you didn't understand - the website down the bottom of the main page will help)

Preparation for Dulce Et Decorum Est:
  1. Completed the Denotation(dictionary meaning) and Connotation (your reaction to the word/meaning) column (in detail)
  2. Completed the Intended Meaning

Please ensure you are on time!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Annotations and preparation for lessons...

For both classes, can you please ensure you have glued in your annotations by Thursday 16th.

Also for Thursday the 16th, come to Mr Leamon's lesson ready ot talk about the ideas of:



Mr. D

p.s. my favourite colour in blue.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Notes on Genre and Form

Please post you notes from the library lesson here. If you weren't there for this lesson you'll need to revise the notes.

Everyone should print them off and glue them in your w/bs.

Mr. D

Thursday 4 February 2010

Written task...

What is the significance of the French play with 'The History Boys' in relation to characterisation and thematic concerns?

Next week??

Mr. D

Thursday 28 January 2010

Comparison of literary allusion in both texts...

Please post your comparisons of the use of literary allusions to exemplify the theme coming of age with both texts.

Mr. D

Yes Hollie, more work!

Friday 15 January 2010

Comparison of the methods of characterisation...

When you've completed the analysis of Hector and Irwin against the methods of characterisation, you need to build a 2 paragraph response which compares their introduction into the play.

You need to focus on what methods are used more actively, what you learn about the character and how 'your' reaction to them is created from the writer's techniques - not just how you feel about them after the scene!

See me for guidance - I think we agreed next Thursday?!

Mr. D