Monday 7 November 2011

Creative Responses to poetry

Please post your 8 line poem here - we should be able to get a sense of the character in these 8 lines, as we did in lesson to summarise the Bishop through our investigation and our work on The Laboratory and Porphyria's Lover.


Ms. F


OBarry said...
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OBarry said...

How great is he the second child!

Sweet eyed,rosy cheeked and lit with joy

So gentle and mild!-In my opinion such is not becoming for a boy.

Should a man not be judged for his character say I?

His strength and vitality his mark of good?

The apple of every ladies eye? I see him not.

And his ambitions? The loftiest of his peers!

His warbling weakness sicken me

How easy the first forgot.

- And yes! I know its nine lines!


Unknown said...

Crazy? He called me; crazy indeed!
Crazy in love! I say, with a smile which falters…
Too much, perhaps? For as I smile, his smile remains;
False! Fickle! Oh, the taunt!
He says there so little time, and so many girls, but,
How many girls must one need if one hath me?
But these girls! So sweet! Their perfume…
It lingers, but like them gone within a minute!
He laughs at me. His cruel and awful ways!
He, of all, dares. He dares! He dares!
Complain of my evil ways! Mine? I, so…
He claimed he’d tell no more stories,
He claimed there’d be no more lies, but in him,
I see, those words my mother gave me,
When I was oh so young, too young to understand!
But, you see, I can now see! My are eyes open!
Open from my prayers! Oh I see! I see!
I see? What do I see? Gentlemen, it seems…
Well, they aren’t nice! Don’t let him fool you!
He’ll make love a paradise! Its not!
I sat alone, in deep concentration! He, oh, he!
He, always complaining! Driving me right out of my mind!
Hurt you? Oh no! Never! My pretty little life,
It depends on you! You… Oh you!
Who couldn’t stand to be part of my unstable world!
Was I so delusional to love? My games…
We love them too! Don’t lie! As the cry escapes those pretty lips!
Those pretty lips which lie!
I’m so much better without you! And that, was when I knew…
Games, games, oh, sweet games! I held the trigger,
Whilst you prayed! All in vain, my sweetheart!
The glint against your throat! Oh such beauty it beholds!
That crimson flowing beauty! Oh behold, behold!
As I watched the life leave your eyes! Such a pretty sight!
Sent a shiver down my spine!
But… A thousand years have gone by, too late, to wonder…
Happily ever after, it is never…
As my dreams, web and scream, I wish!
Oh… Crazy he called me, I, now so fond of that name!

Its a 'tad' longer than eight lines, but, when you have an idea, you have to go with it

Anonymous said...

All will be well in time.
Time has no meaning behind the barriers of a soul.
A soul of which you must have misplaced.
So what, may I ask, is time to you?
Or daren’t I speak for fear of breathing too loud?
Because of course an opinion is far beyond my capabilities.
Explanation or reason from I is no more than a wasted breath.
What did happen to that heart of yours?
I could’ve sworn I saw it beating fast.
Did you feel it stop? Did it hurt? Did it?
Could you feel the break of your hearts last beat?
Oh, so many queries, how very rude of me.
Does my curiosity offend you?
I see no reason why it should.
It was merely a question.

Its longer than eight lines but oh well.

Anonymous said...

I am blameless,
This I know.
But in this world,
a womans word counts for nought,
Ignored and disregarded.
Who cares how many innocents should die--
Before the true culprit is found.
I am merely a scapegoat,
To take the blame,
For the true evil in the world.

Reallydifficult to write a 10 line dramatic monologue...


Anonymous said...

ME…was it really me? Am I really capable of such insanity--?

Of such crime such inhumanity – No!

To take the innocent from this crazy world

The flashbacks no the dreams haunt my mind

The stories in the papers on the TV

Someone takes the blame of another

A coward!


Alex Staples

Anonymous said...

I stand there, eyes blank
Staring intensely at the body before me.
What have I done?
What it jealousy that overpowered the soul?
Bitterness that spread through my veins?
Or was it the sense of power I had over her?
To hear her beg for my mercy whilst I performed my wretched deed.
Only the lord above knows and he will forgive me, he will renovate my soul
For I am not of a lost cause, I am a victim of Satan.

Shannon Squibb.

Anonymous said...

For my time has come, the heavens shall submit me
For i shall be withdrawn out of desire
Farewell my boy and your brothers to,
Shall expect nothing but a grand exit
A Tomb of mine crowned in aur and sequenced in cornaline
I order it to be better,greater more extravagant...than his
For I shall look down and pity his death
Eternal Rest awaits me.

Reynu Miah

Anonymous said...

Rather a guilty conscience or common sense?
Either way I wish it could stop.
Now some may ask am I just over reacting or maybe this is a mock?
Envious am I? Do I look stupid enough that you thought I wouldn't clock?
Even a blind man could see,
it's just so obvious
that what you're doing is betrayal to me.

Sometimes my mind goes at ease...
But it never fails to remind me at the slightest moments.
So, tell me please...
He's mine and has been for time gone
and time to come.
So far as I know he has never been yours
so why the sudden interest?

I've suspected for a ripening time and I've seen things that add up all too well.
Do you get a kick out of making my life Hell?

It has been passed that a glance is thrown
and fondness is lost of you
(can these be proved to be rumors, guilty conscience or common sense?)

You send a letter promptly each and every day,
'It's polite' some might say.
So just give up now
and drown in your tears.

Sometimes I question whether you do this on purpose or does it just come natural?
Either way, something must be done.
I cannot contain these feelings, so hurtful.

I can't confront him.
I might be over-reacting.
Then what?
Will he say his good-byes?

Oh but you'd love that all too much.
I'm going to be the mature person he's taught me to be and I'm going to keep our love strong.
Stand in my way if you like,
You wont be there for long.

-Alex hales

Anonymous said...

why should one live up to her
told not to grow up in a hurry
yet the eager expectation lies there every day
as her personality fades away
just trying to live in someones shade?
living her life in the fast lane
all this to acheive a false yet satisfying fame?


Anonymous said...

I'm nothing without my precious candy.
So sweet! Yet so destructive.
I tell my self, only on special occasions and yet..Everyday is my birthday.
Line after line,
Hit after hit.
I'm never low when I'v got my candy,
and i never will be!

Dimu Dosu
(Don't get it twisted I don't do white)

Anonymous said...

Honesty !
The word is doesn't describe them
Why?... I wonder
Why they must do such harm?
and yet refuse small kindness from those who care
I can't remember the last time we meet
I can't imagine why it turned out this way
I keep believing these merciless lies they tell
Just maybe
That’s me.

- Hafsat Aminu

Anonymous said...

The ore I behold so treasured,

Laid down on a podium thrice as high as theirs

Equality? Equality you say? Fool,

The four corners of the world laugh, laugh at you... and none so more than I

Religion, prosperity, love, hope

The ideas of a fool, Sit and bicker in your big clock tower and insult one another.

To fail and vanish on the same day of the fourth year,

Money runs the world...

Ryan Kent

Anonymous said...

Me. I took the blame when I rightfully won,
He took the pleasure once my good deed was done.
I should of excelled through the power of Karma,
I should be that knight, bearing white shiny armour.
They believe that he, deserves all this pleasure,
When really it was me that stole endless treasure.
So one day, that throne is where ill be sat,
While you all embrace the presence of that ----.


(accidently posted it on the other post aswell :|)

Anonymous said...

The last breath eloped from her body,
I hung over the wretch that no longer was,
The feeling that engulfed me was none of pity
But of freedom and opportunity, however not yet ready to seek,
For I had much power than she,
Shall one marry the next? Kill the next? or leave?
The greatness of having the ability to decide other's fate,
was i merely the soul speaking the voice of that below.

Anonymous said...

^ Tayla Alexander

Anonymous said...

My social was done-this room was my keep

"I hate you dad."-The repitition was torture

The memory a pain.

The phone call made quick.My horror hades gain

Complete silence fell when the phone had shut

My dad. My dad

The plane had struck- that's when my regret had begun

The date burned in the back of my head

September Eleventh 2001

--George bird
Name of work: RIP Father

Anonymous said...

Here I stand, staring blankly at the coloured glass,
What did I do?
Loved and cared for this man, my beloved husband to be,
Not anymore!
Left alone on this alter, alone for eternity.
Glimpses of hope still in my mind,
And they will stay there until I die.
My love is forever, and forever it will stay.

Anonymous said...

My love for you is like a river,
A thing of beauty that makes my soul shiver,
This passion that I behold for you,
Cannot be described...
Should I express these inner feelings,
That rumble within my inner-being?
But what would happen?
Would it cause extreme dismay?
Or would my spirit be revitalised?
My conscience could not hold the sheer and utter pain of rejection,
However, actions will always speak louder than words...

Anonymous said...

-Daniel Friell

Anonymous said...

oHe lays dead on the floor

this man, dead!

because of me Dead!

all i can think is RUN!

i look round, one last glance

i see the corpse before me

once so full of life

now it lays there still

i hear a scream; i hear a bang...


Anonymous said...

olivia barry

Anonymous said...

As I sit upon this rock i wonder what my life has become


my life summed up in one word.

I was bored; I lived and one day I will die.

I'm like a wave having no purpose,

I'm like a rock just stable and still,

I'm like a cloud empty and unfulfilling.

my life--aimless--pointless--empty.

Anonymous said...

i forgot to add me name -_-
my post is the one about this

Rebecca Pike

Anonymous said...

I brushed pressed my finger against her cold lips
Sweet silence, tis what ive desired
She looks at me but does not see
Past her drooping lids
The rose that blossoms into life then dies
The beauty shell no longer see

Meg Fana

Anonymous said...

I brushed pressed my finger against her cold lips
Sweet silence, tis what ive desired
She looks at me but does not see
Past her drooping lids
The rose that blossoms into life then dies
The beauty shell no longer see

Meg Fana

Anonymous said...

This fire ball of energy circulates painfuly amungst my vains.

Does one work with this light, to become a better person?

Or do we fight and allow confusion, jelousy, hatred and an out burst of a cabinnet opened.

This world is so big, and i am the ant, lost in the endless maze of the perfection of others,
Who am I?!

Why must i hate those that care for my security but love those who endlessly stab knives deep inside me.
Are they seeking to prey for my light?

This life is like a jungle, a war zone of preditors and preys,
Where am i amungst this?

Do i need beauty or knowledge, impossible to have both but which one will engage people to value me?

Questions, Questions and more Questions,
Who am i?

A teenager in the mirrored reflection seeking a way out!
My doppleganger has taken over!

Christina :)

Anonymous said...

I pressed my beating finger against her cold lips
Sweet silence... tis what i desired
She looks at me but does not see
past her drooping lids
The rose that blossoms like she once did
The beauty she'll no longer see

Meg Fana

Anonymous said...

I'm no angel. I've just been painted white.
Love ? Myth.
Happiniess ? Rare.
Peace ? Extinct.
You and him ? Limited.
Blame not me, these are the facts of life - embrace them.
When I'm gone, another will stand before you. And another. And another.

A dictionary could hold no real explanation.
It's a word, an animal, a blizzard that can sink any heart, any boat, any ship.
and it'll be sure to sink yours.
There's no warning, no iceburg ahead - the coldness is in his heart. there, and there only.

I'll walk away. I've seen enough.
But I'll watch the ship-wreck from a distance. Dont say I didnt warn you.
Keep your eyes open - and heart closed.

Call me a coward.
But if being bad was easy,
and being good is difficult -
I'd happily wear those horns.

Renee Instance. ox