Monday 19 September 2011

Creative Responses to poetry

Please post your creative responses from Monday's lesson here for everyone to read. They should be about 100 words long. You were required to respond as the pursued female from the two poems Love in a Life/Life in a Love.

Due next Monday


Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Creative Response -

The hunt is still on,
for you are the hunter and I shall be hunted.
A question I shall ask.
How long will this carry on?

Night has fallen,
Yet room to room,
door to door.
The quest is still on.
Do your best as you shall not succeed,
While I am, I and you are you.
Let the room not contain us both,
for your chase is nothing but your energy at loss!

Reynu Miah

Anonymous said...

What can I do to escape thee?
To deter thee from thy chase
To stop thine heart from breaking
And leave you indisgrace

Should I tell thee that I love you not
Break you so you may build again?
And yet should you see through the veil
And mine lie would be in vain

That I should write you this and send it,
And you should read and understand
I doubt, as this truth I fear to tell
Should my admittance tighten loves cruel hand

To ignore thee seems my only option
To treat with scorn and disdain,
Till love dies and withers within thy heart,
Yet your loss cause me ever pain

So I shall wander ever onwards,
Just out of reach
In hope that you should be lost too the tide
And wash up on a new loves beach.

~ Olivia .B.

Anonymous said...

What is love?
Is it being forced upon a man whose nature is that of an obsession?
Being haunted by the same dark figure in my imagination every day?

Day after day I stalk the same rooms, corridors, closets,
Uncertain of a way out of this nightmare.
He is never more than three steps behind me,
One, two, three…

Out the window I see such wonders blossoming without me;
Children playing in the gardens, a gentle spring breeze brushing against their pink cheeks.
My day never ends, over and over I recall the same faded features of this house;
These dusty curtains, that creaky floors which screams out to him when I walk, the bed.
The bed which I have not once laid upon, not once sat upon and the bed that I have never laid my dreary eyes upon.

What is love?
Is it being forced to live your life a misery to please others?
Having to tear apart every last dream you ever had?

Shannon Squibb.

Anonymous said...

Dear oh dear
Days, even weeks, spent here
Hiding away, keeping myself separate
Knowing each second, he grows desperate
Married, yes, but love I do not
I despise how he looks as though I’m leaving him to rot!
I try to explain, though I’m always ignored
I seldom bother, I’m always adored
Worshiped thoughts, wishing our paths remained uncrossed
Our hands unbound and his sanity never lost
For, you see, I fear his obsession growing
Locked alone here, I’m away from knowing
I hear him searching, he rarely stops
Upon silence I relax, but my hope quickly drops
Dear oh dear
What am I doing here?

Alisha Ward

Anonymous said...

Running and sprinting up and down,
Hiding at the back of the alcove
I daren't make a sound.
You say you love me but
I do not;
How can you love what
You haven't got?
Searching for a corner
I scurry like a mouse,
I need a place of refuge
In this empty house.
You say:
'It seems too much like a fate'
But you cannot love
What you did not create.

Alex Hales

Anonymous said...

Love was never to be found in this place,
And yet he continues.
An endless pursual
For a lost cause.

His sorrowed countenance.
Hopeless and desperate.
I do not understand,
His continued obsession over what he never had

Pity, fear, disgust and despair,
Anger at myself
For not being strong enough
To make him let go.

I see as he gives up,
Only to start afresh,
Is this constant cycle.

The day wears on,
Becoming tiresome at best,
He thinks it fate,
By why would fate show such cruelty?

I flit from room to room,
Distant and detached,
Seeking a way out-

Of this loveless relationship.

Kayleigh Morris

Anonymous said...

Like many a thing, 
Our love has died.
Just like a wave, a breaking tide.
Our love,  has crashed upon the sands of over.
And the strangling current has no control anymore, my dear. 
But I fear that you, yourself,
will dry up upon these sands,
and become nothing but a fossil of your former self
with nothing to hunt , to smother, to kill.
Now please, before you drown in your love and heartache, 
accept that death has become us, and it's only the memories that live on.

Anonymous said...

Escape you?
I must
For the obsession between us is too great
For the broken love is there no more
It seemed too much like fate
When this began..

We are now in this constant cycle
I run
You pursue
You hunt
I become the hunted

But I’m afraid all we had was broken love
What would we become?
We were young
What did we know?

This must end
For this is not love
But obsession

I’m going
I must go


Alex Staples

Anonymous said...

The love is lost,
but i am still the prey,
the hunt carries on.
No love will be gained,
but 'cat and mouse' is still the game.

Love is my desire,
Its a dream that will never be achieved.
He however, does not see this,
And wants to be mine forever.
Fate took a wrong turn,
And fate's path i will follow.

Our love blossomed,
but died.
Together we were the flower,
Alone, we are just seeds.

The hunt is off,
What will be gained?
More pain.
Our destiny is apart,
No longer in my heart.

Farrah Mills

Anonymous said...

Dear Diary,
Today it happened,again. It just seems whatever i do he just still is in pursuit of my love, love in which has escaped our relationship. Forever. Its as if im stuck in a house with him but cant get further than a room away. I just hope one day he will move on and forget me and my exsistance as now im in love with another.
Connor S.

Anonymous said...

Desperation, frustration.
This game of cat and mouse.
The fire inside is gone,
Burnt out.

A house is not a home
unless it is to be shared.
It's all about the chase,
Never thought enough to care.

Tired of running.
Tired of this game.
All I can give is what is
left of my name.

Charlie Meehan

Anonymous said...

Your tender words mean only what they read,
For I believe you do not speak much love around this empty house,
You await passion, romance and affection but hatred does proceed,
The chase could be over yet we continue to play cat and mouse.

You seek to hunt me on this absurd quest,
Will thou leave me to ponder over my own feelings?
As I am sick of being haunted by the same figure night and day
I feel not to continue within this prison living with one that’s face is filled with determination as I watch before.

I hate to contradict your words with your actions,
But would one who loved make the other run with fear,
I think not mister,
I wish I could run for longer but the end is near.

Tayla Alexander.

Anonymous said...

Room through Room I hurry away from you,
an endless sequenced cycle like children in an abandoned cursed house we continue to play.

Yet as time has ticked by, many things have changed,
blinded by your stubborn stupidity you refuse to expose yourself to reality.

The foolishness of young age, a bond we can never part from is the only thing that holds these walls from collapsing, though somedays i dream of a society of free women, no longer trapped through tradition.

My heart, once an eruption of love an desire, grew cold, cracked and the ash's blew in many separate directions.

I prey that you shalt never find me, i tremble at how close you sometimes get. I'm left stoned cold and motionlessly stiff.

Still i know you don't understand how i feel, nor will this letter have any meaning to you as you throw it into the flames the minute you are finished.

But continuously i shall prey, prey that this endless game ends soon, we are no longer children, i can now count the years that have gone by through the wrinkles that have taken refuge on my bodily island.

Christina Sadiku

Anonymous said...

Esacape? I guess that is a precious advantage i will never be able to fulfill in this lifetime...
My dear love you are only causing more of your broken heart to be slowly but surely shattered by holding on tight to faded feelings...
That has violently died between us and should be left to rest such as any other death in this world...

i hear you say so clear ,so you continue to pursue thses twisted worn out emotions over me like a deathly waterfall breaking every bit of my confidence...
Is the only emotion i feel for you my friend...
Now escape? For me is certainly not your choice no more!

Kirsty Hunter

Anonymous said...

It has been fifteen nights and his love has yet to falter. The further I pull away, the closer he drives; his figure an importuning burden on my being.
I fear this tug of sorts has become a game, a challenge to him and he is unaccepting of my decision.

But to let me go is the only option I leave him. To release his deluded grip on our memories and face reality with that selfsame determination. Until then, he'll continue with his search for me, forever a wrinkle in the fabric of my soul.


Anonymous said...

Wake up from your dream that make my days a nightmare and relinquish the illusion of what you perceive as love.
For where you see love as a budding rose blossoming with a scent so sweet.
I only see a man tormented by his own twisted fantasy.

I find my self amused.
somewhat caught,
in this game of cat and mouse, door after door you follow.
yearning for my love like a new born craving for it's mothers milk.
You follow.
Hunting for a prey that lurks in the cabins of your soul,
so close to your goal
Yet imperceptible.
Still you follow.
As you view yourself as the hunter about to apprehend its prey.
Or am I the puppeteer that pulls on the strings to your heart?

Dimu Joseph Dosu

Anonymous said...

That fool all he ever does is harass and harass and then harass some more. Day in day out, all the time, and who would of thought it him a Sir!
If it wasn’t for my parents thinking of my wellbeing I would never had to of marry this silly little man. My parents knew plenty of other men, men with riches, looks and personality.
Men of Dreams.

Ryan Kent

Anonymous said...

I hate to love but to loth I love
I am but near a human dove
Your grasp has never been quite tight
I sleep with you but I am lone at night

I go out as you enter, the door closes
I smile, the pleasure!
For my love you thrive
This quest keeps me alive.

- Meg Fana

Anonymous said...

You kept looking
I kept hiding
This game of hide and seek seems never ending
When it just matters the most
The distance seems greater
Fear is mine and hunger is yours
And I just sit here to take it all in
The un-breathed bitterness of my thoughts
Two stars
They feel so far away now…

Or maybe I’m the faraway one.

Hafsat Aminu

Anonymous said...

Room after room,
Your twisted mind,
Manipulates your soul into the hunt.

I creep in shadows, in fear.
Heart pounding, my breath escapes me,
Desparation, takes over my thoughts,
Where do I go? What do I do?

I need not know,
How I influence your life.
When I can see in your eyes,
The beastly gaze, Ive come to associate,
With the dark and devilish man...
That I married...

The figure of death looms,
Over my battered and rejected body.
The waiting game is finally over;
Please take me from this nightmare..

But my life drags on;
Painfully, Emotionally,
I am just a lonely servant,
From my life, Begone!

Daniel Friell

Anonymous said...

WORDS cant describe my feelings of aggrivation.
Nor can a t h o u s a n d miles demonstrate how far I would go,
to leave you behind.

Your constant affection,
and somewhat eager approach
has pushed me to the edge -
of reason.

You cant chase,
what was never there.
Yet. You still do..

The more youpull me in,
The more I push away!

Engulf my words and understand them -
But most of all;
accept them.

Stop living in my shadow,
and actually start living.

Without me.

Renee Instance

Anonymous said...

Creative Response

Dear Robert,
I did not appreciate being tieds up, it's the reason why i'm still running. I understand the obsessiveness you have with me, I'm amazing, but it is no way to act towards the female gender, you may have acted this way towards other girls but i'm awhole new kettle of fish. Thous shalt not mess with this. You'll get what is coming to you soon enough, i make you. You wouldn't function with out me.

Works by George Bird.

Anonymous said...

Creative Response


Do my eyes show such intense emotion and longing to be loved that he must pursue me like a hunted fox. I show no interest, he proceeds, i show no intent, he perseveres, i show no commitment, he misunderstands. Can such strong negative signals not prove to a man that this heart shall not be won by this undesired immoral obsession?

Josh May

Anonymous said...

Dear Diary,
I fear. I fear that nothing shall quench his thirst for my love. He yearns for a love of a time gone past... Seasons change, time continues but he remains the same, forever trying to encapsulate the love that has long since faded. I pray that as the passing of time continues so shall his desire for my love. For day after day I am confined to this wretched room and I am scared. I fear. I fear that my prayers shall be in false hope...only time will tell.

By Tanzeela Cheema