Tuesday 21 September 2010

Smaller Research task...

What is the difference between Duple and Triple time in poetic metre?

Please post you answers in the comment section!

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Duple metre is when it has 2 syllables per foot,(/stressed X un stressed.

Triple metre is when it has less regular single stressed syllables with pairs of unstressed syllables.


Carolina said...

triple metre, a term covering poetic metres based on a foot of three syllables (a triple foot), as opposed to the much more common duple metre in which the predominant foot has two syllables. English verse in triple metres thus displays a more or less regular alternation of single stressed syllables with pairs of unstressed syllables, the feet being described traditionally as anapaests or dactyls.

Anonymous said...

duple time is a rhythm consisting of two beats to the bar. triple time is a musical time with three beats to the bar.


Anonymous said...

Duple time in poetic metre is when it has 2 syllables per foot whereas Triple time has 3 syllables per foot.


Anonymous said...

A dubple metre is based ona foot of two sylabbles while a triple metre is bases on a foot of three syllables.


Anonymous said...

A dubple metre is based ona foot of two sylabbles while a triple metre is bases on a foot of three syllables.


Anonymous said...

A metre is the measured arrangement of words in poetry, a duple metre in poetry is when a foot consists of two syllables, a triple metre is when a foot contain three syllables

© Joel

Anonymous said...

Duple time has two beats per foot where as triple time has three beats per foot

Devon x

Anonymous said...

The difference between duple and triple metre in poetry is that duple metre has two syllables per foot and triple metre has three syllables per foot.

Sorry I was late


Anonymous said...

Duple metre is when there is 2 syallables per foot.

Triple is when there is 3 syllables per foot.

sorry i was late, been bed ridden since last wednesday, be back in class for next lesson though.

Luke :)