Thursday 16 September 2010

Preparation for Monday's Lesson

Hi guys: Please leave a comment about one thing you have learnt about WW1 or WW1 poetry so far so i know you've read the message below.

Okay, by Monday you should have completed these tasks:

Glued in all poems
  • Written in all titles on every page
  • Glued in the PowerPoint Presenation into your note book (review anything we covered and research anything you didn't understand - the website down the bottom of the main page will help)

Preparation for Dulce Et Decorum Est:
  1. Completed the Denotation(dictionary meaning) and Connotation (your reaction to the word/meaning) column (in detail)
  2. Completed the Intended Meaning

Please ensure you are on time!


Anonymous said...

from the last lesson we had with the power point presentation I have learnt that patriotism was a key theme towards the poems we looked at, they were all proud to die for their country and die with a big 'BANG'.

p.s both poems are completed for you (dulce et decorum est) and Mr.Leamon (The Followers).

See you monday.

Carolina said...
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Carolina said...

One thing i have learnt about WW1 and WW1 Poems is that they where very patriotic about dieing for their contrary, and poets convey this through there poetry.

Anonymous said...

ww1 poetry are mostly about patriotisim.they are mostly about telling citizen to go and fight and be proud of their country. during ww1, fighting for your was the most respectable job you may ever have.


Anonymous said...

I have learned that war wasn't as "glorious" as most poems suggested. I have also learned that most people believed in being patriotic, and that people should be proud to die for their country :)

devon x

Anonymous said...

What I'v learnt about WW1 poetry is that they mostly talk about Patriotism and dying for your country


Joel Udeh said...

What world ww1 poetry seems to convey a dark, grotesque , bloody atmosphere in which is respresented in most work. WW1 poetry writers seems to also convey the emotions of the soldiers as that of with no hopes feeling they have a only a duty and are litreally just tools, being in conditions such as this changes every survivers view on reality serverly.~

Anonymous said...

during WWI, most of the poems written and published were patriotic, they urged people to fight for your country. We also learned it was seen as a honour to die for your country.


Anonymous said...

after having some lessons already, i have learnt that men didnt go to wat because they was made to but because it was patriotic to do so. they was proud to die for the country as the "soil would become richer" where they lay.

luke :)

Mr. D said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, i agree. Thankyou

Anonymous said...

In the last lesson on WW1 I learnt alot of poems written before the war were patroctic (where they would proudly die for their country). It was seemed cowardly at that time to refuse to go to war, hence why most men went to fight and were not scared to die. Poetry was a big influence at that period.
