Friday 27 November 2009

Revision Programme

This programme is running for specific students to catchup/revise for various reasons. However, you might find the guidance below good for your study/revision generally.

For those who have been advised to complete it will be checked each Wednesday when the next set will be posted.

Revision: Reread Chapter 1

1) Ensure you have written a brief synopsis of events

2) what do you learn about Nick?

3) what is the first glimpse of Gatsby?

4) p 12 -15 make a note of the adverbs that are used to describe Tom, Jordan and Daisy. What impressions are given of each of these characters by the lists you have generated? Do th elists support more general comments that you would have made? Should the adverbs be attributed to the author or the narrator?

5) Make notes on how the three characters meet and their relationship to Nick.

Mr. D & Ms. H

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