Friday 27 November 2009

Revision Programme

This programme is running for specific students to catchup/revise for various reasons. However, you might find the guidance below good for your study/revision generally.

For those who have been advised to complete it will be checked each Wednesday when the next set will be posted.

Revision: Reread Chapter 1

1) Ensure you have written a brief synopsis of events

2) what do you learn about Nick?

3) what is the first glimpse of Gatsby?

4) p 12 -15 make a note of the adverbs that are used to describe Tom, Jordan and Daisy. What impressions are given of each of these characters by the lists you have generated? Do th elists support more general comments that you would have made? Should the adverbs be attributed to the author or the narrator?

5) Make notes on how the three characters meet and their relationship to Nick.

Mr. D & Ms. H

Monday 23 November 2009

Review homework

Review the entries on Owen's use of the epigraph from 11/08 homework entry (there are about 31 entries). You should bring with you 8 key points developed by last year's Year 12 students in relation to the use of the epigraph before the poem - try read a range rather than just taking from one.

If you were wondering:

In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a wider literary canon, either to invite comparison or to enlist a conventional context.

ALSO, but briefly,

you should review the four assessment objectives for English Literature ready for discussionin the next lesson.

Mr. D

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Sentry research...

For tomorrow's lesson (19/11/09), write a brief statement as to the role of a sentry on the front line during WW1.

Motivation for you: the last person to post gets an extra research task.

Mr. D

Monday 16 November 2009

Essay response...

You have a week to complete this task (due 23/11/09)

Respond to one of the questions provided during the Strange Meeting lesson. You should have a plan ready to show/discuss with me by Wednesday's lesson.

If you're finding it difficult - bring it to Friday's session with me and the Yr 13s. There is no excuse when this time is provided to assist you!

Mr. D

Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Last Laugh

This week's homework task is a creative response. You need to constuct the following report:

As the company commander, like Owen, write the weekly report to you superiors outlining the deaths of the three soldiers in Owen's poem, The Last Laugh. You must, however, write it in one of the tones explored in today's lesson.

This will be due in by Monday next week! Do not post - bring a copy to class.

For extension, you may research how these reports looked and what extra details they contained.


Mr. D

Thursday 5 November 2009

Dulce et decorum est (The Sunday Times)

Please read the article and annotation accordingly (information about his life vs. information about the poem or other poems).

Note in your workbooks and have it complete for Monday's lesson.

Mr. D