Wednesday 14 October 2009

It's a paradox...

Firstly, you'll need to find out what a paradox is! Then, when you find this delectable morsal of information, you need to answer the following question...

How does Owen use paradox to explain his feelings towards the war? Find two examples of paradox to support your explanation!

You need to post this comment on the blog - I'll show in lesson!

I'll check this is posted by Monday's lesson!

Mr. D


Mr. D said...

No complaints Hollie!

Francesca said...

A paradox is the of words that both cannot be true and both cannot be false in a sentence or phrase. Using Paradox attracts the reader and grabs the attention of the reader. The paradox in 'Anthem For Doomed Youth' suggests that it will not be a happy poem but the first line backs this up. In ‘Apologia pro Poemate Meo’ paradox is used when Owen writes ‘Merry it was to laugh there’ this suggests that the battlefields were a laughing place a place that is happy. But this can not be true as I know war was not a happy place. But it can not be false as soldiers may be a bit happy if they are winning the war.

Anonymous said...

A paradox, in basic terms, is a contradiction. A paradox evokes thought in a reader and often encourages one to read on as they wish to understand the paradox itself.
Apologia pro poemate meo 'Where death becomes absurd and life absurder' is a paradox. It contradicts itself because death is not absurd as it can only mean one thing where as in life many absurdities can occur. 'Anthem for Doomed youth' is itself a paradox due to the contradiction in the title- an anthem is a song of praise or patriotism but the fact they are doomed would leave no room for joy.

Posted by: Frankie Spicer.
PS. sorry for said longness.

Anonymous said...

A paradox is something that contains contradicting qualites or phases. It is used mainly to describe situations that are ironic and this is used to make the reader think about it. Apolgia pro Poemate Meo uses them to reach the readers that see war as a celebration. 'War brought more glory to their eyes than blood.' This is contradicting as the soldiers saw blood rather than glory. The Title 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' is a paradox as a anthem is sung for celebration yet the doomed youth is not something to celebrate.
Hannah Scudder

Rosie said...

A paradox is something absurd or contradictory, it can be a statement, proposition or situation that seems to be absurd or contradictory but is in fact is, or maybe true.
Owen uses paradox in the title of "Anthem for doomed youth", this is because Anthem is a happy song celebrtaing patriotic behaviour and doomed youth is so sad and something that wouldn't be celebrated. " Laugh among the dying ,unconcerned" in Insensibility is a paradox as the last thing people would do when among the dying is laugh and be unconcerned,this seems absurd to the reader, however it is true as the soldiers had to be unconcerned in order to stay sane.
Owen uses paradox because it shows an insight to how shocking absurd war really is.

Rosie Nelson

Anonymous said...

A paradox is a self-contradicting statement. Wildred Owen tends to use paradoxes in his poetry to show the contradictory nature of war, something that is started in the interests of the people, and yet it is these people who end up suffering as a result.
An example of a paradox within Owen's work is him hearing "music in the silentness of duty". Of course, he has already stated that duty is already silent, so how could there be music? We could take this to mean that he has found some kind of inner personal pride and peace in the duties he is undertaking, or indeed that he is becoming able to make the best of a bad situation.

Another example of Owen making use of a paradox within his poetry is the title, "Anthem For Doomed Youth". An anthem is generally classified as a patriotic, mery song of celebration - a sentiment which is belied by the sombre, war-condemning tone of the actual poem, and is also disputed by the use of the word "Doomed" within the same title. Owen uses this paradox in order to paint us a tragic picture of platitude-spouting, blindly patriotic men (or boys, really) who are marching to their own dooms.

Becky Boakes
(Sorry if I went a little overboard...)

Anonymous said...

A Paradow is a sentence or phrase that contradicts its self. For example Wilfred Owen uses these within his poems,in insensibilty he comments that 'Happy are men who yet before they are killed'. This is a Paradox because it is suuggesting the happiness men can endure before the war however it contradicts itself by linking happiness to fighting in the battlefield. He also uses a paradox in Anthem For Doomed Youth, he says 'Not in th hands of boys' this is a paradox as it implies that infat men dont go off to fight in wars boys/children do. this therefore is contradicting as we know to sign up for the army we must be of the adult age of 16.
Taylor Wallis

Anonymous said...

Paradox is s statement which attracts the reader's or the listener's attention and gives emphasis to the contradictory statement that may be true and false.

An Example of Owen making use of paradox within his poetry was in his poem ‘Exposed’ the line ‘Pale flakes with fingering stealth come feeling on our faces’ – this suggests the action of snowing and the snow flakes dropping down on soldier faces. Owen has used personification to create a two-sided imagery of war, how soldiers were in action fighting but still fell the drops of snow on their faces, because it was a different soft and gentle fingering on their cheeks.

Another example of Owen making use of a paradox within his poetry is the title, ‘Anthem For Doomed Youth’ An anthem is generally known as a patriotic song of celebration which suggests the patriotic respect and love towards their country. Another meaning of paradox within the title was the use of the word ‘doomed’ where soldiers were mentally and physically doomed in the causes of war.

By Skaiste Pakalnyte

Anonymous said...

a paradox is basically a statement that contridicts itself. this could be really useful in a poem, as Owen does in his poetry.

one of the poems it is used in is "Anthem for doomed youth". This is because an anthem is a song of devotion or loyalty, where as "doomed" is used as in the soliders where doomed to die, this is a paradox as it is contridicting. Another poem it is used in is "Exposure", "Watching, we hear..". this is a paradox as you cannot watch to hear soemthing or vise versa.

Ashley Nicholson
(sorry it late)

Anonymous said...

A paradox is where something contradics itself. They are used in poems to catch the readers attension, which Owen used in 'Anthem For Doomed Youth'. firstly the title of the peom is a paradox because 'Anthem' is a song people sing in joy and celebrate with, however, 'Doomed' means no way out and death, so being in the same sentence shows the contrast from celebration, because they cant be celebrating that their soliders are dead.

daisy russell

Yuliya said...

Oh Hello I shall see you in an hour nevertheless here is Yuliyas homework.
a Paradox.
a paradox is a statement that contradicts itself that nevertheless is true. For example 'I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false.
Owen seems to use paradox in a few of his poems for example 'Anthem for doomed youth'. The title itself is a paradox because anthem and doomed contradict, as anthem is a patriotic song sang a patriotic and overall joyous song that celebrates victory of the country while doomed is like a ruined or tragic fate. Therefore there could be no anthem for the doomed youth as there is nothing for them to celebrate or sing song about.
In Insensibility he uses a paradox such as 'Laugh among the dying ,unconcerned'. An emotion such as laughter cannot be expressed when around other feelings & emotions like suffering and/or death. It's in the human nature to be concerned, worried & upset rather than feel joy when on the topic of death. Although that's a paradox the word unconcerned proves it more so because its a true statement as soldiers had to be unconcerned & express feelings that they wouldn't normally to keep themselves sane in the war.