Wednesday 23 December 2009

The Great Gatsby

For the first lesson back (6/1/10) you need to have identified key passages from the text (you'll note the lack of specifics here as you should now be able to select passages according to key focuses from lessons and your own research).

You should also be prepared to explain each of your selections fully – you will be asked to do this across the first two weeks of term.

Ms. H

Saturday 12 December 2009

Essay for Owen Poetry...

You need to choose one of the four questions provided to you during lessons. Once you have chosen the questions, you'll need to decide which is your main poem for analysis and discussion.

You need to submit your essay on the first Monday back from the Xmas holidays. You'll also need to show your updated annotations which focus on the style and versification columns.

If you have any questions please see me before the end of term as I may not be able to respond to emails over the two week break!

Mr. D

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Great Gatsby – Revision

Chapter 2 (09/12/09)
Perceptions of female characters.
Compare how Daisy and Jordan are presented in C1 to the women in this chapter
(Myrtle, Mrs McKee, Catherine)
Compare this drunken party to the dinner in C1
What tensions do each reveal?
Make a note of Nick’s (the narrator ) eye for detail

Chapter 3 (09/12/09)
Examine throwaway remarks and use of metaphor at the start of this chapter
Explore the use of narrative style ( Nick as device) and symbolism
What is the significance of Owl Eyes
First encounter with Gatsby

Chapter 4 (10/12/09)
Revise notes on what is discovered about Gatsby from a)Jordan b)Nick and c)Gatsby himself
Revise detail of Nick’s reliability as narrator / character
What do we know about him. Quotations which typify him
Link with ‘ The Unreliable Narrator’

Chapters 5 and 6 (16/12/09)
Meeting of Gatsby and Daisy – nervousness, awkwardness and its comic effect
What do we learn of their relationship
How does Nick interpret it?
Consider Gatsby’s materialism and therefore the corruption of the American Dream
Note story of Gatsby before meeting Nick/The kiss 5 yrs earlier/Gatsby’s fears
Has Gatsby’s dream been realised? Do realisations of dreams ever reach expectations?
Is Fitzgerald commenting of human behaviour?

Chapter 7 (17/12/09)
Theme of immorality key here. Why the affairs? What do they suggest about the corruption of the American Dream?
What judgement does Nick make?
Who knows/who doesn’t know what? Be clear
What ironies are apparent?
Note the use of symbolism in this chapter
Prohibition. Drink possibly responsible for some of this action?
Be clear on: events/ platonic conception/ what has changed

Chapter 8and 9 (04/01/10)
Why is Nick reluctant to leave Gatsby?
How does Nick’s relationship with Jordan end? Is this satisfying?
How are the deaths narrated?
Why does Nick have charge of the funeral?
What does this say about his friends and father?

Is the ending a fitting one? Why?

What other possible interpretations are there?

Fact sheets on patterning
Detailed notes on: Symbolism
Characters and key quotations
Structure and style

Quotations from critics

Essay practice

Friday 27 November 2009

Revision Programme

This programme is running for specific students to catchup/revise for various reasons. However, you might find the guidance below good for your study/revision generally.

For those who have been advised to complete it will be checked each Wednesday when the next set will be posted.

Revision: Reread Chapter 1

1) Ensure you have written a brief synopsis of events

2) what do you learn about Nick?

3) what is the first glimpse of Gatsby?

4) p 12 -15 make a note of the adverbs that are used to describe Tom, Jordan and Daisy. What impressions are given of each of these characters by the lists you have generated? Do th elists support more general comments that you would have made? Should the adverbs be attributed to the author or the narrator?

5) Make notes on how the three characters meet and their relationship to Nick.

Mr. D & Ms. H

Monday 23 November 2009

Review homework

Review the entries on Owen's use of the epigraph from 11/08 homework entry (there are about 31 entries). You should bring with you 8 key points developed by last year's Year 12 students in relation to the use of the epigraph before the poem - try read a range rather than just taking from one.

If you were wondering:

In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a wider literary canon, either to invite comparison or to enlist a conventional context.

ALSO, but briefly,

you should review the four assessment objectives for English Literature ready for discussionin the next lesson.

Mr. D

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Sentry research...

For tomorrow's lesson (19/11/09), write a brief statement as to the role of a sentry on the front line during WW1.

Motivation for you: the last person to post gets an extra research task.

Mr. D

Monday 16 November 2009

Essay response...

You have a week to complete this task (due 23/11/09)

Respond to one of the questions provided during the Strange Meeting lesson. You should have a plan ready to show/discuss with me by Wednesday's lesson.

If you're finding it difficult - bring it to Friday's session with me and the Yr 13s. There is no excuse when this time is provided to assist you!

Mr. D

Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Last Laugh

This week's homework task is a creative response. You need to constuct the following report:

As the company commander, like Owen, write the weekly report to you superiors outlining the deaths of the three soldiers in Owen's poem, The Last Laugh. You must, however, write it in one of the tones explored in today's lesson.

This will be due in by Monday next week! Do not post - bring a copy to class.

For extension, you may research how these reports looked and what extra details they contained.


Mr. D

Thursday 5 November 2009

Dulce et decorum est (The Sunday Times)

Please read the article and annotation accordingly (information about his life vs. information about the poem or other poems).

Note in your workbooks and have it complete for Monday's lesson.

Mr. D

Wednesday 14 October 2009

It's a paradox...

Firstly, you'll need to find out what a paradox is! Then, when you find this delectable morsal of information, you need to answer the following question...

How does Owen use paradox to explain his feelings towards the war? Find two examples of paradox to support your explanation!

You need to post this comment on the blog - I'll show in lesson!

I'll check this is posted by Monday's lesson!

Mr. D

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Poetry preparation

For next lesson, as discussed, you'll need to have completed the diction column and intended meaning for 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'.

This preparation will need to continue for each lesson. I've place the order of study for the poems below. You'll need to check every lesson if we're ready to move on, but I'd advise you keeping as far ahead as possible (remember- you should be doing 3 hours of study for me! Don't forget 2 hours for Miss. Havis)


Mr. D

Arms and the Boy
Apologia Pro Poemate Meo
The Last Laugh
Strange Meeting
The Sentry
The Show
Mental Cases
A Terre

This is it!

Monday 28 September 2009


Please complete, for Wednesday's lesson the diction column and intended meaning for Owen's poem, Insensibility and Dulce Et Docurum Est.

You should also have started adding in and exploring the imagery into the style column for both poems too.

Mr. D

Thursday 24 September 2009

Independent Reasearch Task 2!!


This task requires you to research aspects of Wilfred Owen's life. You should focus on the following areas as a minimum but you may chose to broaden your research:

  • His early life in England
  • His experiences in France
  • His religious upbringing and attitudes
  • His war experiences (through his letters)
  • His relationship with Siegfried Sassoon
  • His experiences at Craiglochart in Scotland.

For an extension task, you may choose to research some of the poets Owen was most influenced by - this may come in a reflection on some of his favourite poems.

This research may prove a little more difficult than your WW1 Research, but again, you should show evidence of multiple sources of information and must show where you found it (internet site, book title etc...) This task should be a minimum of 2 pages - however, the more you now about Owen the better equiped you will be to understand and write on his poetry!

Please note: I too can access wikipedia - so don't think i won't notice if you cut and paste everything from there!

If you need some help, I'll organise a lunch time for you to join me in the library!


Mr. D

Friday 18 September 2009

Ongoing Great Gatsby Homework and Deadlines...

Please read below and ensure these deadlines and task are complete by the deadlines:

Task (to be completed by)

Read handout and chapter one of novel (23rd Sept)
Read and make notes on chapter two (24th Sept)
Read chapter 3 of novel and chapter 8 of The Art of Fiction’ (30th Sept)
Read chapter 4 (1st Oct)
Read chapters 5 and 6. & Write essay on Nick Carraway (7th Oct)
Read chapters 8 and 9 & Make character notes (14th Oct)
Hand in essay on Symbolism (4th Nov)


Ms. Havis

Monday 14 September 2009

Independent Research Task...

**TO BE COMPLETED BY THE (21/09/09)**

Your first independent research task requires you to find information surrounding WW1. As a guide, you shouldfind information on:

-life in the trenches
-countries involved
-numbers of dead
-impact on wider societies

Although the internet is great source of information, merely cutting and pasting information isn't really research - it shows you can find information and move it some where else. So, for this task you will need to make dot point notes (minimum 2 page or as an extension up to 3 pages) and you'll need to find it from three different sources - not just the internet (internet, books, films, encyclopedia.

You could also go to secondary sources [primary being those who where there - you'll have trouble finding many of them] which includes questioning the family friends or the likes of the history department staff - I've checked for you and they're willing to asnwer your questions).

You also need to reference the material - which means, you'll need to tell me where you found it (internet address or book title and author). I know there are books in the library as i've checked and you'll also find extensive material in the encyclopedias.

Don't wait till the last minute to complete this work or ask for help if it's needed! And remember, if you find a great resource - leave a comment for others to read as to where they can find it.

Mr. Donovan

New Course AS Literature 09/10

Anything below this post was entered for the the 08/09 AS literature course. Anything above is for the new course starting 14/09/09.

Mr. D

Sunday 26 April 2009

Wilfred Owen's Album track listing...

As part of 12D's discussions on rhythm the idea of a track listing was developed. You must chose the order his poems should be listed in if it was a musical album going on sale. You must try and balance the poems to give the album a good feel.

However, seeing as album's usually have only 10 songs you must also decide which of his 15 poems we've studied won't make it to the album. You needn't write any explanations as you'll have to stand in front of the class and explain.

Bonus marks will be given for the bests Album title!

Mr. D

Friday 3 April 2009

12D writing task...

Please post your articles for the Seagull in the comment section. Please read the other entries as well and tell me which one you think i should choose!

Mr. D

Monday 23 March 2009

This week's task cont...

Upon entering the class room you will be given a line from one of Owen's poems.

1) You must firstly, explain the meaning of the line

2) Then tell the class what poem it comes from.

3) For extension: if you match it with a similar image or theme you may earn yourself a 'wild card' protecting you from the next task you fail!

I will not choose easy lines - don't do just focus on the most obvious (I feel A Terre coming on!)

Mr. D

Friday 20 March 2009

Poetry to remember

For next week:

12D you must remember 'Arms and the Boys'
12B you must remember 'The Last Laugh'

Good luck - this is a difficult challenge!!

Mr. D

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Owen Revision...

Upon entry into next weeks lessons, you 'll be asked to recite a quotation (and explain its meaning - for extension you could try and remember a stanza) from an Owen poem.

You can choose any poem and you must, every lesson, give a quotation from a different poem.

(Bradley posed a problem - what if someone else has the same quotation? Unfortunately, you may not use it yourself and must provide another! Thanks Bradley!)

If you are unable to do this, you will be set a larger portion of a poem to recite!

This won't be a problem for next week as you've submitted Mrs Hulbert's coursework draft and also mine.

Onwards and upwards!

Mr. D

Friday 27 February 2009

For next week...

You need to have polished your introduction and your first paragraph for next week.

Also, you should have collected a minimum of 5 pieces of Lit Crit releveant to your arguments!

Mr. D

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Rereading task

Your need to reread the introductions to both Oranges and History Boys. Whilst doing so, you must search for information that you can use as literary criticism in your coursework essay.

This search is, of course, dependent on the question you have chosen and the argumentative thread you've developed in response to the qeustion - don't drop literary criticism in for the sake of it - it must be releveant to your argument otherwise it is useless!

Mr. D

Sunday 11 January 2009


After you have completed your single lesson with me this week, you'll need to complete this task (It links to the structural reading your doing at the moment as well).

Find as many allusions to other literary works and authors within History Boys. You will need this for the second lesson of your double this week.

a) it will be checked and used during the starter;
b) if it is not complete, or up to standard, time will be set after school.

Mr. D

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Coursework homework...

For homework (3hours minimum each week) you should be re-read and reengaging with the texts in light of the first couple of lessons. Whilst you re-read them you should be paying attention to the structure of each.

I will looking for postit notes in your books to show within:

Oranges: where the fairytale/fantasy/myth sections are and where major plot points are.

History Boys: I'll be looking for scene changes and major events in the plot.

Also you'll need to complete your quotes and methods of characteration from the characterisation lesson on Oranges and type them up and save them on the master copy for your class (this will be explained in lessons).

Mr. D

p.s I'm operating a ZERO tolerance on not meeting expectations and deadlines.