Monday 15 September 2008

Independent Reaserch Task 2...


This task requires you to research aspects of Wilfred Owen's life. You should focus on the following areas as a minimum but you may chose to broaden your research:

His early life in England
His experiences in France
His religious upbringing and attitudes
His war experiences (through his letters)
His relationship with Siegfried Sassoon
His experiences at Craiglochart in Scotland.

For an extension task, you may choose to research some of the poets Owen was most influenced by - this may come in a reflection on some of his favourite poems.

This may prove a little more difficult than your WW1 Research, but again, you should show evidence of multiple sources of information and must show where you found it (internet site, book title etc...) This task should be a minimum of 1 page - however, the more you now about Owen the better equiped you will be to understand and write on his poetry!

Please note: I too can access wikipedia - so don't think i won't notice if you cut and paste everything from there and I can also google search information to see where you've found it on the web if you try to pass things off as research completed from books!

If you need some help, I'll organise a lunch time for you to join me in the library!


Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Do you want it in note form like the other one ?

or sould we do it in paragraphs ?

Mr. D said...

If it is notes, detailed and under subheadings. Otherwise paragraphs.

You choose best way to present - thorough is what I'm looking for!

Carly Elizabeth Baxter said...

whens it due in for?

Mr. D said...

Keep checking the blog to find out - i haven't set a date as yet.