Monday 12 March 2012

Plan and introduction

Please complete/rethink your plan and introduction for your comparative coursework piece for Monday 19/03/12

You will need both in lesson!

Mr. D

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Holiday Homework

Read and annotate the article - using the question below to focus your reading. Then respond the question writing your own analysis as you've found in the article:

How does Winterson undermine patriachal authority in the text in Oranges?

Word limit 200 words

Due Tuesday 21st February

Complete your close analysis of a scene from History boys. The write up should be between 500-600 words.

Due Tuesday 21st February

Mr. D

Friday 3 February 2012

Heaney Homework...

Write your own poem about either:

a) a childhood obsession or pastime that would be frowned upon now that you’re older


b) a childhood experience where you suffered disappointment or shattered illusions

Your poem should be at least 8 lines long and you should consider and reflect upon the themes of innocence and experience that occur frequently in the poems of Seamus Heaney.

Due Friday 10th February.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Allegory Reading and other Homework

If you are to understanding how an author blurs the boundaries or questions the ideologies with a genre/form/structure you need to have an awareness of them in their original form.

To help develop your understanding, you must read the article on Allegory and develop a definition of the term and its usage.

You will deliver your definition to the whole class as a way of demonstration your knowledge of the concept.

Also you need to find an example in the text (please record the page references in your workbook as evidence) for the following styles/genres of writing:

  • Autobiography

  • Fairytale

  • Fantasy

  • Biblical Tale

  • Allegory

If you're unsure of the meaning or how they work you should research the terms on the internet or in the library as you did last week (i didn't know what it meant is not an excuse).

Mr. D

Sunday 15 January 2012


For next week's lessons, you need to research the term 'allusion'. To prove you've researched the term, please bring five points regarding how the technique works to Monday's lesson.

Also for next Monday, and using the chart provided, record in each column all the allusions made in both texts. This task will take you about 30 minutes of scanning for each text if done correctly. However, if you were to work in small groups, it would take considerably less time. You need a minimum of 15 allusion from both texts.

Please don't confuse allusion with illusion which is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.

Mr. D

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Comparison for methods of characterisation

'Characters in drama are useless without a function' How far and to what extent do you agree with this statement? Compare the presentation of both characters, with full exemplification, of in their first full scene with the boys.

This should be completed in your work books - any responses not to standard will be developed after school Tuesday.

Mr. D & Ms Foulds.

Sunday 8 January 2012

What is in a name?

Due Monday 16th January

In pre-1900 novels particularly names may have indicate whether a character was to be admired or regarded as silly or wicked.

This indicative (from the the verb indicate) or moral naming still continues in a more subtle fashion in modern and postmodern works, e.g. a female character may be given an exotic and therefore seductive name, or one from the bible, with connotations (or not) of chastity.

Using Pupil Sheet 2.1, consider the names of the characters in Oranges; what do they suggest? Do they have diminutives or nicknames used by other characters, and how does this add to the characterisation?

You should look the works up in a dictionary or encyclopedia and think about the names before compelting the last column regarding what it adds to characterisation.

Mr. D & Ms Foulds.