Monday 17 October 2011

Half - term

For half term, you have several tasks:

Firstly, you need to go back over all the poems we have studied and complete your annotations. This includes finding other poetic devices within the poems that we may not have covered in discussions, but are nonetheless there to be explored.

You need to complete your annotations for the next poem, 'The bishop orders his tomb...'

You need to ensure your portfolio is uptodate and organised for both the poetry and Frankenstein section and that you have completed the readings for the first lesson back on 'The bishop orders his tomb...'

Finally, you need to complete 8 revision/question/trivia cards with questions/problems/answers. They will need to be hand written neatly and submitted on the first day back. There should be 4 on Browning's poetry/images/symbols and 4 on Frankenstein. When everyone has submitted them, you will get a copy each to start revising the content from the first half-term.

Cheers (and enjoy),

Mr. D, Ms Foulds and Mrs Gibbons.