Monday 19 September 2011

Creative Responses to poetry

Please post your creative responses from Monday's lesson here for everyone to read. They should be about 100 words long. You were required to respond as the pursued female from the two poems Love in a Life/Life in a Love.

Due next Monday


Mr. D

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Preparation for Monday's Lesson

You need to complete, for next Monday 19th, the diction column for Love in Life/Life in a Love - this is weekly homework and should take minimum 11/2 hours to complete.

If you're unsure as to whether you are doing the right thing, check the notes on the inside of your folder and/or see us Friday after your lesson on Frankenstein.

Mr. D & Ms Foulds

Monday 12 September 2011

First homework task

Welcome to your first homework task for 2011/12:

To get used to using the blog, research Browning’s poetic theme through the Victorian Web/internet site. What are his main themes? Produce a list of 8 main themes. If you get stuck with Browning poetry, research themes relevant to Victorian poetry/Literature in general.

Mr.D/ Ms. Foulds.