Wednesday 23 December 2009

The Great Gatsby

For the first lesson back (6/1/10) you need to have identified key passages from the text (you'll note the lack of specifics here as you should now be able to select passages according to key focuses from lessons and your own research).

You should also be prepared to explain each of your selections fully – you will be asked to do this across the first two weeks of term.

Ms. H

Saturday 12 December 2009

Essay for Owen Poetry...

You need to choose one of the four questions provided to you during lessons. Once you have chosen the questions, you'll need to decide which is your main poem for analysis and discussion.

You need to submit your essay on the first Monday back from the Xmas holidays. You'll also need to show your updated annotations which focus on the style and versification columns.

If you have any questions please see me before the end of term as I may not be able to respond to emails over the two week break!

Mr. D

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Great Gatsby – Revision

Chapter 2 (09/12/09)
Perceptions of female characters.
Compare how Daisy and Jordan are presented in C1 to the women in this chapter
(Myrtle, Mrs McKee, Catherine)
Compare this drunken party to the dinner in C1
What tensions do each reveal?
Make a note of Nick’s (the narrator ) eye for detail

Chapter 3 (09/12/09)
Examine throwaway remarks and use of metaphor at the start of this chapter
Explore the use of narrative style ( Nick as device) and symbolism
What is the significance of Owl Eyes
First encounter with Gatsby

Chapter 4 (10/12/09)
Revise notes on what is discovered about Gatsby from a)Jordan b)Nick and c)Gatsby himself
Revise detail of Nick’s reliability as narrator / character
What do we know about him. Quotations which typify him
Link with ‘ The Unreliable Narrator’

Chapters 5 and 6 (16/12/09)
Meeting of Gatsby and Daisy – nervousness, awkwardness and its comic effect
What do we learn of their relationship
How does Nick interpret it?
Consider Gatsby’s materialism and therefore the corruption of the American Dream
Note story of Gatsby before meeting Nick/The kiss 5 yrs earlier/Gatsby’s fears
Has Gatsby’s dream been realised? Do realisations of dreams ever reach expectations?
Is Fitzgerald commenting of human behaviour?

Chapter 7 (17/12/09)
Theme of immorality key here. Why the affairs? What do they suggest about the corruption of the American Dream?
What judgement does Nick make?
Who knows/who doesn’t know what? Be clear
What ironies are apparent?
Note the use of symbolism in this chapter
Prohibition. Drink possibly responsible for some of this action?
Be clear on: events/ platonic conception/ what has changed

Chapter 8and 9 (04/01/10)
Why is Nick reluctant to leave Gatsby?
How does Nick’s relationship with Jordan end? Is this satisfying?
How are the deaths narrated?
Why does Nick have charge of the funeral?
What does this say about his friends and father?

Is the ending a fitting one? Why?

What other possible interpretations are there?

Fact sheets on patterning
Detailed notes on: Symbolism
Characters and key quotations
Structure and style

Quotations from critics

Essay practice