Monday 28 September 2009


Please complete, for Wednesday's lesson the diction column and intended meaning for Owen's poem, Insensibility and Dulce Et Docurum Est.

You should also have started adding in and exploring the imagery into the style column for both poems too.

Mr. D

Thursday 24 September 2009

Independent Reasearch Task 2!!


This task requires you to research aspects of Wilfred Owen's life. You should focus on the following areas as a minimum but you may chose to broaden your research:

  • His early life in England
  • His experiences in France
  • His religious upbringing and attitudes
  • His war experiences (through his letters)
  • His relationship with Siegfried Sassoon
  • His experiences at Craiglochart in Scotland.

For an extension task, you may choose to research some of the poets Owen was most influenced by - this may come in a reflection on some of his favourite poems.

This research may prove a little more difficult than your WW1 Research, but again, you should show evidence of multiple sources of information and must show where you found it (internet site, book title etc...) This task should be a minimum of 2 pages - however, the more you now about Owen the better equiped you will be to understand and write on his poetry!

Please note: I too can access wikipedia - so don't think i won't notice if you cut and paste everything from there!

If you need some help, I'll organise a lunch time for you to join me in the library!


Mr. D

Friday 18 September 2009

Ongoing Great Gatsby Homework and Deadlines...

Please read below and ensure these deadlines and task are complete by the deadlines:

Task (to be completed by)

Read handout and chapter one of novel (23rd Sept)
Read and make notes on chapter two (24th Sept)
Read chapter 3 of novel and chapter 8 of The Art of Fiction’ (30th Sept)
Read chapter 4 (1st Oct)
Read chapters 5 and 6. & Write essay on Nick Carraway (7th Oct)
Read chapters 8 and 9 & Make character notes (14th Oct)
Hand in essay on Symbolism (4th Nov)


Ms. Havis

Monday 14 September 2009

Independent Research Task...

**TO BE COMPLETED BY THE (21/09/09)**

Your first independent research task requires you to find information surrounding WW1. As a guide, you shouldfind information on:

-life in the trenches
-countries involved
-numbers of dead
-impact on wider societies

Although the internet is great source of information, merely cutting and pasting information isn't really research - it shows you can find information and move it some where else. So, for this task you will need to make dot point notes (minimum 2 page or as an extension up to 3 pages) and you'll need to find it from three different sources - not just the internet (internet, books, films, encyclopedia.

You could also go to secondary sources [primary being those who where there - you'll have trouble finding many of them] which includes questioning the family friends or the likes of the history department staff - I've checked for you and they're willing to asnwer your questions).

You also need to reference the material - which means, you'll need to tell me where you found it (internet address or book title and author). I know there are books in the library as i've checked and you'll also find extensive material in the encyclopedias.

Don't wait till the last minute to complete this work or ask for help if it's needed! And remember, if you find a great resource - leave a comment for others to read as to where they can find it.

Mr. Donovan

New Course AS Literature 09/10

Anything below this post was entered for the the 08/09 AS literature course. Anything above is for the new course starting 14/09/09.

Mr. D