Sunday 26 April 2009

Wilfred Owen's Album track listing...

As part of 12D's discussions on rhythm the idea of a track listing was developed. You must chose the order his poems should be listed in if it was a musical album going on sale. You must try and balance the poems to give the album a good feel.

However, seeing as album's usually have only 10 songs you must also decide which of his 15 poems we've studied won't make it to the album. You needn't write any explanations as you'll have to stand in front of the class and explain.

Bonus marks will be given for the bests Album title!

Mr. D

Friday 3 April 2009

12D writing task...

Please post your articles for the Seagull in the comment section. Please read the other entries as well and tell me which one you think i should choose!

Mr. D