Monday 23 March 2009

This week's task cont...

Upon entering the class room you will be given a line from one of Owen's poems.

1) You must firstly, explain the meaning of the line

2) Then tell the class what poem it comes from.

3) For extension: if you match it with a similar image or theme you may earn yourself a 'wild card' protecting you from the next task you fail!

I will not choose easy lines - don't do just focus on the most obvious (I feel A Terre coming on!)

Mr. D

Friday 20 March 2009

Poetry to remember

For next week:

12D you must remember 'Arms and the Boys'
12B you must remember 'The Last Laugh'

Good luck - this is a difficult challenge!!

Mr. D

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Owen Revision...

Upon entry into next weeks lessons, you 'll be asked to recite a quotation (and explain its meaning - for extension you could try and remember a stanza) from an Owen poem.

You can choose any poem and you must, every lesson, give a quotation from a different poem.

(Bradley posed a problem - what if someone else has the same quotation? Unfortunately, you may not use it yourself and must provide another! Thanks Bradley!)

If you are unable to do this, you will be set a larger portion of a poem to recite!

This won't be a problem for next week as you've submitted Mrs Hulbert's coursework draft and also mine.

Onwards and upwards!

Mr. D