Sunday 11 January 2009


After you have completed your single lesson with me this week, you'll need to complete this task (It links to the structural reading your doing at the moment as well).

Find as many allusions to other literary works and authors within History Boys. You will need this for the second lesson of your double this week.

a) it will be checked and used during the starter;
b) if it is not complete, or up to standard, time will be set after school.

Mr. D

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Coursework homework...

For homework (3hours minimum each week) you should be re-read and reengaging with the texts in light of the first couple of lessons. Whilst you re-read them you should be paying attention to the structure of each.

I will looking for postit notes in your books to show within:

Oranges: where the fairytale/fantasy/myth sections are and where major plot points are.

History Boys: I'll be looking for scene changes and major events in the plot.

Also you'll need to complete your quotes and methods of characteration from the characterisation lesson on Oranges and type them up and save them on the master copy for your class (this will be explained in lessons).

Mr. D

p.s I'm operating a ZERO tolerance on not meeting expectations and deadlines.