Sunday 19 October 2008

Submitting an intended meaning...

Whilst I'm away this week, in the 3 hours you should have had lessons you're required to develop your annotations for each poem covered and develop your initial intended meaning and diction column for those still to be covered, however for homework and study time outside of lesson times I would like you to particularly focus on developing the structure and wording of your intended meanings.

You need to be clear in your mind what Owen's intended meaning is so you can validate or criticise it in your exam. Heading toward Xmas, I'd like you to have a clear intended meaning for each poem, one which you can support with analysis and evaluation (this second part I'll help you with).

With all this in mind, your task is to submit one, developed (this means the language should be appropriate and you've thought about how it reads - not that I want 3 pages - merely a paragraph will suffice), intended meaning (as a comment - click the comment link below) . I'll read this and provide feedback to you. You need to submit this before you return to school (2/11/08). The sooner you get it in to me, the longer your feedback will be! Failure to submit one will be deemed a failure to meet a deadline and the normal procedures will be followed - be warned of the consequences if you have missed 2 previous deadlines!!

Sentry Duty...

Before studying the poem, 'The Sentry', can you take 5 minutes to find out what constituted sentry duty in trench warfare.

Mr. D

Monday 13 October 2008

Creative Extension Task...

Some students may prefer to take some time to do a creative response to one of the poems.

As you are aware (or will by the end of the week), death greets 3 men in, 'The Last Laugh' You could attempt, as the company commander, write a report to your superiors outlining the deaths of the three soldiers in Owen’s poem.

You may choose to do this in any of the tones used within the lesson which focused on the poem.

This is an extension task and doesn't need to be done - especially if you are struggling with your annotations - they are your priority.

It shouldn't be no longer than two sides of an A4 sheet and should be submitted to me in person - try get it don whilst the poem is still in your head.

Mr. D

Monday 6 October 2008

Due Date for annotations...

By the end of the week 10/10/08 you should completed annotations for the following poems:

Dolce Est Decurom Et
Anthem For Doomed Youth
Arms and the Boy
Apologia Pro Poemate Meo

If you are in 12B (you had a lesson with Mr. D period 4 on Monday) you need to have completed a paragraph detailing Owen's intended meaning by Wednesday's double lesson (8/10/08).

If you failed to meet the deadline for the first book check this is not a deadline I would be missing!

Mr. D