Tuesday 23 September 2008


In the lead up to your Milestone Assessment you should be working on the annotations to all the Owen poetry we have covered so far.

In your first lesson this week we will cover what is expected in your annotations. As part of your regular studies (approx. 3 hours outside of lessons for me & 2 for Ms Hulbert), you should annotate your poems when you get home with the thoughts and ideas from your lessons after we have covered a particular poem.

My expectation is that as soon as a poem has been covered annotations will begin in your workbooks. However, it would be nice to see that you'd started your own annotations before we cover the poem.

Please note there is not an infinite amount of time for you to complete your annotations - I will expect them all to be finished not long after we have cover all the poems in lessons.

Remember - the longer you leave a problem the bigger it gets - if you are having difficulty you must come and seek help!

Mr. D

The Great Gatsby Homework...

Please read Chapter 3 for next lesson and make notes on the presentation of Gatsby the character. What do we learn about him from what others say and the snippets of conversation in the crowd?

Mrs. Hulbert

Thursday 18 September 2008

The Great Gatsby Homework...

Can you please read Chapter 2 with a focus on the use of colour- note any references to colour.

Also, can you research the term ‘Flapper’. Make notes on how the term came about and what it referred to.

Mrs. Hulbert

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Wilfred Owen (Jon Stallworthy)

We have a copy of this biography in the school library marked as reference so everyone can use it and it not be borrowed.

However, I found this link to a preview copy online which doesn't have every page, but you might find it helpful in your research on Owen.


Mr. D

Monday 15 September 2008

Independent Reaserch Task 2...


This task requires you to research aspects of Wilfred Owen's life. You should focus on the following areas as a minimum but you may chose to broaden your research:

His early life in England
His experiences in France
His religious upbringing and attitudes
His war experiences (through his letters)
His relationship with Siegfried Sassoon
His experiences at Craiglochart in Scotland.

For an extension task, you may choose to research some of the poets Owen was most influenced by - this may come in a reflection on some of his favourite poems.

This may prove a little more difficult than your WW1 Research, but again, you should show evidence of multiple sources of information and must show where you found it (internet site, book title etc...) This task should be a minimum of 1 page - however, the more you now about Owen the better equiped you will be to understand and write on his poetry!

Please note: I too can access wikipedia - so don't think i won't notice if you cut and paste everything from there and I can also google search information to see where you've found it on the web if you try to pass things off as research completed from books!

If you need some help, I'll organise a lunch time for you to join me in the library!


Mr. D

Friday 12 September 2008

The Great Gastsby...

Firstly, you'll need to ensure you have a copy of the novel by next lesson!

Secondly, if you haven't read it yet and even if you have, you should read the first chapter (by read I mean, not once, but a few times in review - possible not at the same time - give it time to sink in and then come back to it).

Mrs. Hulbert

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Poetry Reflection...e e cummings, 'My Sweet Old Etcetera'


I’d like to discuss this poem in your third lesson as a follow up to the work on our stages of consciousness. So I’d like you to read it, reflect on it and possibly have a conversation with someone else in the course about it (two brains are better than one – sometimes!). If you’d like to talk to me about it, you know where to find me.

You may note, the repeated "etcetera" changes its grammatical role significantly as the poem progresses. You could track the use of etcetera through poem and decide what word class it acts as (noun, verb, adjective adverb). Then, decide what the poet’s motives are and the lives he seeks to contrast (clue here!)

You might need to find out when e e cummings was writing and place him within a context to help understand his intended meaning.

I'll be looking for evidence of reflection in the form of paragraphed notes in a discursive style ready for use in lesson (no more than a page).

my sweet old etcetera
aunt lucy during the recent

war could and what
is more did tell you just
what everybody was fighting

my sister

isabel created hundreds
hundreds)of socks not to
mention shirts fleaproof earwarmers
etcetera wristers etcetera, my
mother hoped that

i would die etcetera
bravely of course my father used
to become hoarse talking about how it was
a privilege and if only he
could meanwhile my

self etcetera lay quietly
in the deep mud et

cetera, of
Your smile
eyes knees and of your Etcetera)

Mr. D

Monday 8 September 2008

Independent Research Task...


Your first independent research task requires you to find information surrounding WW1. As a guide, you could find information on:

-life in the trenches
-countries involved
-numbers of dead
-impact on wider societies

Although the internet is great source of information, merely cutting and pasting information isn't really research - it shows you can find information and move it some where else. So, for this task you will need to make dot point notes (minimum 1 page or as an extension up to 2 pages) and you'll need to find it from three different sources - not just the internet (internet, books, films, encyclopedia. You could also go to secondary sources [primary being those who where there - you'll have trouble finding many of them - spot the irony] which includes questioning the history department staff - I've checked for you and they're willing to asnwer your questions).

You also need to reference the material - which means, you'll need to tell me where you found it (internet address or book title and author). I know there are books in the library as i've checked and you'll also find extensive material in the encyclopedias.

This task should be started immediately and I'll edit this post with a due date when required.

Don't wait till the last minute to complete this work or ask for help if it's needed! And remember, if you find a great resource - leave a comment for others to read as to where they can find it.

Mr. Donovan